“The objective of this document is to present the results of a research project conducted by Labo Climat Montréal in partnership with Concert’Action Lachine. The project aims to promote the participation of community organizations in the resilience to extreme heat days. Indeed, community organizations can play an important role in adaptation and resilience to extreme heat days, even if their actions are not specifically recognized as such and even if they are not necessarily aware of the expected increase in heat waves due to climate change. This paper presents the connections between the missions and practices of community organizations in the borough of Lachine in Montreal and some of the vulnerabilities and adaptation measures to heat identified by the scientific literature or by public health organizations in Quebec.”
To read the full report in french, click on the image below:

To cite this report: Poulin, E., Van Neste, S.L., Gagnon-Lewis, C., D’Amours A. 2021. « Action communautaire et adaptation aux changements climatiques : la participation des organismes communautaires de Lachine à la résilience aux journées de chaleur accablante ». 25 pages. Montréal (Québec): Labo Climat Montréal