Congratulations to Hélène Madenian and Gabrielle Perras St-Jean, two members of the Chair and doctoral students at INRS, and Naomie Léonard of INRS, as well as to all the contributors for their participation in the research and writing of the new report of the Conseil des montréalaises: Pour une transition écologique juste et féministe à Montréal. An important and valuable piece of research to guide us in the right direction!
“In the City of Montreal’s 2020-2030 Climate Plan, it talks about “making the metropolis more resilient, greener and carbon neutral, but also more inclusive and equitable”, but gender issues are not specifically addressed. Montreal is not an isolated case. The scientific literature reveals that it is only recently that the notion of gender has been introduced into discussions on climate change mitigation or adaptation policies. Gender-differentiated concerns and impacts are still too rarely addressed in environmental public policy and practice. Yet scientific research clearly demonstrates the importance of considering this dimension to concretely grasp the issue of climate change, as gender influences the experience of this crisis (Köhler et al., 2019).
The purpose of this opinion is to document the impacts of climate change on Montreal women1 and to make recommendations to the City of Montreal from a just ecological transition perspective. Taking gender into account from an intersectional perspective (see definition in Appendix 2, “Theoretical benchmarks”) would allow the City to avoid reproducing gender biases or aggravating inequalities between men and women, but also between women themselves, in its fight against climate change.”