This Climate Lab project aims, in a co-construction perspective, to mobilize the knowledge of community organizations in the area of adaptation and support for vulnerable populations during extreme heat.

- Document and promote community action in adapting to extreme heat;
- Synthesize the impacts of extreme heat on community organizations and the limits to their actions in adapting to it;
- To provide input into the development and equipment choices for the future Lachine-Est neighbourhood and to facilitate partnerships for a strategy to adapt to extreme heat.
Community organizations can play an important role in climate change adaptation, even when their primary mission is not directly related to climate change. Community action reduces social isolation, enhances urban design and anchors greening projects in communities, contributing to strategies for adapting to extreme heat.
The objective of this report is to highlight the participation of Lachine’s community organizations in adapting to extreme heat and to initiate a reflection process to mobilize their know-how and experience.