Labo Climat Montréal is looking at the integration of climate
change adaptation into the development and shaping
of urban projects in Montreal. It is the governance
framework and planning practices that are at the heart
of this research-action.

Funded by Ouranos, the City of Montreal, Mitacs
Accelerations and INRS
Access Website of Labo Climat Montréal here.
The objective of Labo Climat Montréal is to increase the integration of climate change adaptation into the development and shaping of urban projects in Montréal. It is the governance framework and planning practices that are at the heart of this action research. The specific objectives are to identify and act on :
- Coordination between actors;
- Expertise on adaptation to climate change in the context of an urban project;
- Clarification of adaptation choices (particularly the trade-offs to be
made, the priorities of local communities and the possible impacts on inequalities).
Adapting to climate change in cities involves multiple challenges. The challenges include the fact that adaptation requires multidisciplinary and cross-cutting collaborations across different actors, services, professions and temporalities in urban planning. The processes surrounding the redevelopment of urban areas pose particular challenges for adaptation – many actors, organizations and services are involved, issues and decisions are intertwined over a particular territory, with a planning and implementation temporality that is often changing and uncertain.
As part of their partnership, the City of Montreal and Ouranos have launched a call for researchers to set up a research-action process, inspired by the living lab approach, to encourage innovation in this area. The Lachine-Est sector was chosen as a case study.
Executive summary and other result summaries available on the website of Labo Climat Montréal.