Friday, November 26, 2021
Espace Canal
4020 St-Ambroise Street (Montreal)
In order to adapt to the impacts of climate change, cities and local communities are acting in an experimental mode. Recognizing the complexity of the issues and a certain inertia in standards and practices, approaches are putting forward specific processes and projects aimed at getting out of ruts, testing innovative ideas, in short, learning by doing, by adapting. Alongside the enthusiasm for these new forms of collaboration and their spin-offs, constraints remain. The importance of taking stock, valuing learning and evaluating issues that have been set aside, stands out as being of primary importance. In the world of adaptation, the challenges are still often reduced to technical issues, when it is also a question of choice, consultation, planning and mobilization of actors and resources. In addition, researchers have documented several adaptation practices that exacerbate social and spatial inequalities, an issue that is still not sufficiently considered. These adaptation meetings are intended to provide a space for discussion in order to link the various experiments and their learning.

All the details here, on the VRM website.
Facebook page of the event.
Registration required through this link.
This event is organized by the Villes Régions Monde network. It is open to everyone. Please note that current health regulations will apply: vaccination passport and mask are mandatory. Note that the event will be held in presence only.