Risks and solutions for the impact of the ecological city on inequalities

Le Devoir meets Sophie L. Van Neste on the matter

This week, Le Devoir talks to Sophie L. Van Neste about the amplification of inequalities that could be created by the rise of the sustainable and ecological city. While the potential repercussions are very real, Van Neste points out that projects and means do exist to address this risk: “For example, the City of Montreal’s territorial equity index, local concertation approaches to ensure that investments meet local needs and aspirations, and the Labo Équité Climat, which aims to develop tools with stakeholders to reduce these inequities, a project with Ouranos, Nathan McClintock, Olivier Riffon, Geneviève Cloutier, Marie Fall, Stephane Guimont Marceau, Iona Radu and Marie-Ève Drouin-Gagné and the Laboratory for Open Innovation (LLio).”

Read the full article here.

*Credit photo of Le Devoir article, by Francis Vachon