Dans le cadre des Rencontres montréalaises AAG, la Chaire de recherche du Canada en action climatique urbaine co-organise avec la Chaire de recherche du Canada en logement, communauté et santé une journée de conférences intitulée Climate, Care and the Housing Crisis.
Jeudi 23 mars 2023
Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
Centre Urbanisation Culture Société
385 Sherbrooke est, angle St-Denis, métro Sherbrooke Salles 1106 et 2109
Inscription gratuite
Cette rencontre à Montréal s’intègre dans un programme plus vaste de AAG qui vise à réduire l’impact environnemental de cette grande conférence de géographes en fournissant des possibilités locales de participation. Deux autres journées de conférences ont lieu à Montréal, à l’Université de Montréal et à Concordia : programme disponible ici.
Programme du 23 mars à l’INRS :
9:30 – 10:15 (EST) Café et accueil / Coffee and welcome
10:30 – 11:50 (EST) Climate, Care and the Housing Crisis 1
Sessions Organizer(s): Sophie L. Van Neste, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Anne-Marie D’Amours, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Mylene Riva, McGill University
Mylene Riva, McGill University, Exploring the Spatial Distribution of Energy Poverty in Canada
Fabien Meslet, Arènes UMR, Education to energy saving to reduce fuel poverty in a French city (Nantes): types of instruments, modes of reception by target public and progressive bypassing by implementers in favor of a logic of social emancipation
Laurianne Debanne, McGill University, To heat or not to heat: Findings from a community-based study on energy poverty in the Town of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
Renaud Hourcade, CNRS, How may citizen organizations help poor consumers deal with high energy bills? Analysis of two grassroots initiatives against fuel poverty in London and Barcelona
12:20 – 13:40 (EST) Climate, Care and the Housing Crisis 2
Xavier Leloup, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), The “fight” against insalubrity in Montréal: how actors are assembling a moral urban policy through technical rapport?
Myriam Proulx, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Energy empowerment for whom? Structural inequality in access to community geothermal energy for social and cooperative housing
Julien Simard, Université de Montréal (UdeM), Direct displacement of ageing homeowners and tenants in Quebec due to climate change : a prospective approach
Montserrat Emperador Badimon, Lyon 2, « Neither thirst, nor cold, nor darkness ». Mobilizing against energetic poverty amidst the housing crisis in Catalonia
14:50 – 16:10 (EST) Climate, Care and the Housing Crisis 3
Alexandra Lesnikowski, Concordia University, A national study of housing security and flood risk exposure in Canada
Zach Carriere, Concordia University, Determining flood risk exposure for social housing in Canada
Anne-Marie D’Amours, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Climate change, austerity policies and community engagement caring for the most vulnerable in a warming city
Sophie Kingunza Makasi, McGill University, Energy poverty: understanding its impact on hospitalization among Canadian adults aged 40 and older