“What are citizen initiatives in suburban and peri-urban areas in Quebec about? What funding supports them? What can we learn from them? This report presents the results of a first database on citizen and non-profit organisations initiatives in suburban and…
Ouranos Symposium
Sophie L. Van Neste participates in the panel on inequality and adaptation
New research project on ecological, student, union and territorial movements
Sophie L. Van Neste and Pascale Dufour receive SSHRC support for new research project on the intersection of ecological movements
“Transition en commun”: A Powerful Alliance for the Future of the Climate
Sophie L. Van Neste co-chairs the Knowledge Committee of Transition en Commun
Members of the Chair contribute to making the ecological transition more just
New report from the Conseil des montréalaises: For a just and feminist ecological transition in Montreal
MONTREAL PARTICIPATES! Conversation on the 20 years of the OCPM
The Chair invited to discuss participatory mechanisms for the ecological transition
Proposals for the redevelopment of Lachine East
The Climate Lab submits a report to the OCPM
Heat waves and environmental justice
Upcoming on March 30th 2022
The “Women and Inclusivity in Sustainability Research” network on March 8, 2022
International Women’s Rights Day
Call for papers – The state of research in Quebec: Cities, climate action, inequalities
Send your abstract before March 11th, 2022
Blue-Green Lanes project receives SSHRC funding
The Canada Research Chair in Urban Climate Action and the Montréal Urban Ecology Centre are continuing their partnership
Sophie L. Van Neste joins the movement against the CCUS tax credit
No to creating a tax credit for companies that build carbon capture and storage facilities